Download Latest Class-12 2024 Important Questions

Discover the secret to exam success with our handpicked selection of the most repeated PYQs (Previously Year Questions) for Class-12. These highly sought-after questions have appeared frequently in past board exams, making them an invaluable resource for your preparation. By focusing on these commonly repeated questions, you can familiarize yourself with the exam patterns and boost your chances of scoring well. Unlock your potential and maximize your performance with our comprehensive collection of Class-12 PYQs. Get ready to conquer the exams and achieve remarkable results!

Subject Type Action
1)Maths MCQs of Ch-1 Coming Soon
2)Physics MCQs of Ch-2 Coming Soon
3)Chemistry Long Ques of Ch-3 Coming Soon

Choose Subject for Chapterwise IMP Ques




Ch.No. Ch.Name Short & Long Ques MCQs Competency Based Ques
1 Relations & Function Download Coming Soon Coming Soon
2 Inverse Trigo Functions Download Coming Soon Coming Soon
3 Matrices Download Coming Soon Coming Soon
4 Determinants Download Coming Soon Coming Soon
5 Continuity & Diff Download Coming Soon Coming Soon
6 App. of Derivative Download Coming Soon Coming Soon
7 Integrals Download Coming Soon Coming Soon
8 App. of Integrals Download Coming Soon Coming Soon
9 Differential Eq Download Coming Soon Coming Soon
10 Algebra Download Coming Soon Coming Soon
11 3D Geometry Download Coming Soon Coming Soon
12 Linear Programming Download Coming Soon Coming Soon
13 Probability Download Coming Soon Coming Soon

Class 12 Selected

Discover the secret to exam success with our handpicked selection of the most repeated PYQs (Previously Year Questions) for Class-12. These highly sought-after questions have appeared frequently in past board exams, making them an invaluable resource for your preparation. By focusing on these commonly repeated questions, you can familiarize yourself with the exam patterns and boost your chances of scoring well. Unlock your potential and maximize your performance with our comprehensive collection of Class-12 PYQs. Get ready to conquer the exams and achieve remarkable results!

1 - Maths - MCQ Question

2 - Maths - Case Study Question

3 - Maths - Short & Long Question

4 - Physics - MCQ Question

5 - Physics - Case Study Question

6 - Physics - Short & Long Question

7 - Chemistry - MCQ Question

8 - Chemistry - Case Study Ques

9 - Chemistry - Short & Long Ques

Class 12 PYQs

1 - Maths (2018 to 2024)

4 - Physics (2018 to 2024)

7 - Chemistry (2018 to 2024)

Download Previous Year Ques & 2024 Sample Paper









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